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Par manu auto BMW 135
Jauda: 312 z.s.
Motora tilpums: 3.0 ltr
Izlaiduma gads: 2009
Pirkuma gads: 2009
Nobraukums: 27'000 km
I'll write in English because it's certainly better than my Latvian. I've decided to buy this car because of it's idenity, of it being unique enough for streets of Riga. Then it got better - my friend decided to purchase exactly identical car. This is how we came up with what we have till this day - two unique cars that are nearly 100% identical to each other. The only difference between the sepcs was presence of sun-roof in my car and absence of one in the other.
The N54 engine is superb, especially when it's mixed with BMW Performance exhaust system that we installed. Acceleration from 0 to 100 is close to 4.7 seconds which makes it one of the fastest cars in Riga. I love the fact that only few people are able to see the potential of this car as it stands still.
Right now this car has ~ 312bhp under the hood, which should become ~ 430 by Summer when I shall start the modification process. There's no big deal to do that in Winter, you know.
It's all about the sheer pleasure of driving such car, and for that I'm okay with spending quite a lot on the lease.
Unfortunately there's very little chance to see this car on the streets of Riga as I had moved to Kiev, Ukraine for permanent residence. However you can still see its twin brother, the other 135i.
This car is one of the most known ones at, the largest auto social network in CIS countries, which should make you feel a bit proud for Latvia.
Uzrakstīts 30-Nov-2009
Komentāri (8)
Dzēsts lietotājs
Perfekts, neko pielikt neko atnemt, bildes ari skaistas.
Uzrakstīts 07-Mar 23:27
Dzēsts lietotājs
Krāsa skaista, bet cik parocīga?
Uzrakstīts 17-Dec 19:43
imolared 3.06 Redzēts 28-Jan-2011
Фотографии отличные - обалденные. Цвет - прелесть :). Только, к сожалению , учитывая латвийский климат,наверное, довольно много времени в автомойках проводить приходится =)
Uzrakstīts 04-Dec 10:12
Aleksandrs Zavoloks 3.82 Redzēts 27-Apr-2010
To Christine Schmelss: Yep, the photo has been taken in Saint Petersburg.
Uzrakstīts 30-Nov 19:46
Dzēsts lietotājs
Is it Catherina Palace at Pushkin behind the car??? I mean the green one. Nice pics. :)
Uzrakstīts 30-Nov 19:36
Dzēsts lietotājs
nu smuks, smuks... :)
Uzrakstīts 30-Nov 17:51
Aleksandrs Zavoloks 3.82 Redzēts 27-Apr-2010
BMW ta dara visu laiku. 535, 635, 335, X6 3.5 un 135 - visiem ir N54 dzinejs (3 litri + bi-turbo).
Uzrakstīts 30-Nov 17:12
Kaspars Skadiņš 6.52 Redzēts 15-Jūl-2011
perfektas bildes :)) Auto diezgan liela izvirtība, bet nu ja jau var atļauties - tad kāpēc ne :) Dīvaini, ka modeļa nosaukumā ir 35, bet dzinējs nav 3,5.
Uzrakstīts 30-Nov 17:02